Tuesday, February 26, 2013

Sub Teams in diffrent Directions.....

After the warm Welcome!! from the BAPPEDA team ....today everyone - three sub teams were ready to head towards the respective organization for the client meetings.......BPPT and DISKOMINFO team started at 7:30am with mixed thoughts....curious to know more about the project..little tensed but excited.

Sergio, Terry, Flavia with BPPT Client and Dany from ABV - BPPT      

Yolande, Karen, Manuel and Maej from ABV -DISKOMINFO

and with the same thoughts PUSDALISBANG team . Nitin, me, David, Victor and mother figure Waya :-) from ABV started at 8:30am - Lucky ones

After 20 mins of hilly drive...reached the destination called Pusdalisbang, small and beautiful office.

Client Discussion went well..in the process got to understand various factors of Indonesia and the initiative Government is taking for villagers to get them to the right level.We were suppose to come up with the draft of the discussion with inputs from CSC team.....team has discussed intensely and completed todays deliverable....Left office very satisfied

Around 5.00 pm reached back home - the Hotel which is our Home for the month where everyone was already waiting for sharing the experience, relaxed and satisfied with the day....

Since the whether was very good with breeze and rain as well ....suddenly the excitement level gone up and everyone made plans like shopping for Batik Day on Friday..some went for getting the massage done which has become popular now in home and few went straight for dinner .....

Tomorrow is Waya - our mother figures Bday.....Yes definitely we have some plans to celebrate the BIG day....

Trupty Gautam
IBM CSC Indonesia Team4

1 comment:

  1. All the Best to all of you!!! Al the posts are so well written that I am able to imagine and feel your excitement!!!
