Friday, March 1, 2013

Its friday - End of 1st week at work !!

After so many client meetings - some tough (owing to language) and some sweet (like with our Bappeda client), seems all teams are on right track. First week at work ended so quickly.

Each team has received client appreciation for our dedication. True Representation of IBM values : "DEDICATION TO EVERY CLIENT's SUCCESS"

Before reaching to our day's work, i want to share some unique cultural aspects of Indonesia:

1. Indonesians are very humble. Everyone here greets you whether you know the person or not.
2. Every individual is addressed with respect - Ibu (for females) and Bapak (for males).
3. Pedestrians are always given preference for road crossing. It is something unbelievable here that seeing a pedestrian waiting to cross road, a car stops and allows you to cross first.
4. Bandung culture is very open minded as against mentioned on web.
5. People are calm and patient - on roads, in restaurant, in shoppping areas - A very peaceful and relax life.

Coming to work:

Our Team - BAPEDDA (Precisely - PUSDALISBANG) -  It seems that we are clear on client requirements and will come up with an action plan by Monday. Our client Ibu Ani and Pak Andhy is extending all support required. Its really great that they are sparing their precious time in providing data, calling vendor and listening our queries. Seems work is more and time is less.


 Guys at real Work !!

DISKOMINFO: This team had a great fun today. Received client appreciation for their approach in addressing issues. Had a ping pong game with client and celebrated BATIK day. Manuel enjoyed a ZUMBA dance session too.


 Ping Pong Time !!



BPPT: BPPT team went on an excursion with client to Bogor and made all of us really envy them.


             Bogor Heritage !!

Dhanyawaad / Thank You / Terima Kasih,
Nitin Garg

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