Wednesday, March 13, 2013

One week to Go!!

Well, we are 7 days until the end of the assignment and I have to say that we have the time just around the corner. Today it was a busy day, the day began with our daily breakfast at Magnolia, we chat for a while until the taxi driver arrived. At work we had a special presentation with our client at PUSDALISBANG. David and I prepared some slides to explain the meaning of "Big Data" and the requirements you need to work with Big Data. We had some Q&A at the end and everything went according to the plan with out problem.

For lunch we visited "Verde" a very nice restaurant & bar just 5 minutes walking from work. Last night we had dinner at this place and we liked a lot so we decided to give it another try. The food was great as expected (quick advice: if you are mexican don't try the burritos or enchiladas, nachos are ok ;) ).

 Returning to work we started to do the final presentation to our client, we were very concentrated working with the presentation and time just passed in a matter of seconds.

We have to be ready, we just have a few days of work and all the task must be finished by the end of the week. This adventure is almost finish in Bandung but we have some days to continue enjoying our stay and share more adventures and laughs with the team.

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Greetings from Gonzalo / Víctor González
Mexicano de corazón.

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